I am all about traveling light. Who wants to pack up your mind worries anyhow? I say, the least carryon the lighter the load. It’s good to leave routine behind, take a break with air travel, relax and cast a gaze at the wide-open sky.

In times past, I’ve been one to buckle up, settle in with a handy book, and maintain all my familiar electronics nearby. This time I was ready to unplug from all my devices and truly simplify in a world of restful thought.

I enjoy seeing the world from the blue sky and high elevation ~ the breathtaking views while flying over rivers, lakes, and snow-capped mountain ranges is worth the cost of my airline ticket. The sights of forestry and farmland patchwork rejuvenate the tired soul. This trip was no different.

Flying west in early evening left the pending sunset horizon ever present. The vivid colors slowly change into golden dusk and beautiful twilight. The horizon reflection of brilliant radiance is like no other. We soon became engulfed by surrounded darkness that highlights the smallest cluster of twinkling lights seen below. I wonder what life might be like for those who reside in such far off places. One can only imagine from this inspired view.

While we all suffered the effects of the pandemic; sadly, some suffered to greater loss than others. But our venture out of COVID-19 restrictions and a return to valued family time together is badly needed. May we all progress to newfound freedoms from the intense anxiety of Covid and discussions over vaccines with genuine gratefulness. How refreshing to return to common sense behavior, social interaction and loving community because they truly produce the environment we flourish in.

Time to unmask a better future and discard the dread of the past. We clearly could use some stabilizing balance in the craziness of times. Truly there is fresh dawn rising in the sky. “Carpe diem.” Writes Horace. Odes (I.11), published in 23 BCE.

Written by Judy Cline, May 2O21

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